Genius & Beautiful People.

I have an education. I was taught by mainstreamed schools. Schools taught me to make the best use of knowledge taught. In ways I never intended, I was taught to reproduce their thoughts, thoughts of extraordinary insight and genius, because…because in one way or another, I had to pass or excel in this thing called the examinations. Galileo, Newton or Albert Einstein didn’t really matter to me, their laws did. Because it was their laws that carried marks, and NOT the story of how they lived their lives.

I live in a country that heavily emphasizes on succeeding in systems and qualifications. I am trapped in a year and ten months bond to my country yet I am now freed to pursue whatever I want at my own pace. I choose to save up my allowance for the future to spend on things that really matter.

I want to understand the lives of geniuses and their works, as well as the stories of people who lived tragically, beautiful lives.

A Universe Is Trapped Inside A Tear.


– MK Ultra, Muse.

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